Turku Endometriosis Database

Getting Started

User guide in PDF-format


User Interface

EndometDB supports all internet enabled devices using a modern browser. It utilizes HTML5, JavaScript, PHP, and R as the main programming languages. The interactive visualization is implemented using the Plotly open source JavaScript graphing library.

When the EndometDB opens, the interface features a window divided into panes: the filter control in the left pane, and a tabbed browser in the right pane.


Filter Control

The left pane of the main window displays a filter control that allows users interact with the data in the EndometDB.

the nodes in the filter control can be expanded to access context menus by clicking in the check box. The filter control expands to display options that includes one or more of the following selections:


the nodes in the filter control can be expanded to access context menus by clicking in the check box. The filter control expands to display options that includes one or more of the following selections:



Clinical data

Click in check box to display clinical data menus that includes data such as age, cycle phase & hormonal medication use, and disease stage.


Click in check box to display age categories

Cycle phase & Hormonal medication

Click in check box to display cycle phase and hormonal medication use

Disease Stage

Click in check box to display the different stages of disease

Sample data

Click in check box to display the subject class menus

Subject class

Click in check box to display the sample type menu

Sample type

Selected by defaults displays the tissues and the lesions


Selected by default to display the different tissue types plus the lesion


Selected by default under tissue menu displays the different lesion types


Click in check box to display the gene symbols menu with text box to enter gene interest or copy paste genes of interest.

Gene symbols

Entering gene of interest or copy pasting genes displays Statistics & Projections menu


Clear button clears all the genes in the text box

Statistics and Projections

Select plots from drop down menu to display different functions available

Run analysis

Run analysis button executes the


Resets all to default settings


Closes current browser except for the default browser

Filter Control

The right pane of the EndometDB window feature a tab browser that displays plots and projections from gene or genes of interest with different selected options in the filter control in the left window. The plus sign (+) to the right of the browser appears when an initial plot is done. Use the plus sign (+) to add more tabs.
